What the %@*# is SEO??!!

Does the term SEO have you saying “What the %@*#?”.  We hear ya!  Here at Freshley Digital, we have been getting a lot of questions about SEO from our clients.  “What is SEO and why is it important to my business?”,  “Will SEO really make a difference to my website traffic?”, ” Will SEO help increase brand awareness and sales?”

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO in short, is a set of rules that can be followed by website (or blog) owners to optimize their websites for search engines and thus improve their search engine rankings.
In addition, it’s a great way to increase the quality of their web sites by making them user- friendly, faster and easier to navigate.

How We Use SEO

Here at Freshley Digital, every single website we build is Search Engine Optimized at launch.  This is not an “add-on” or extra-charge, this is something we execute as a Best Practice when building your custom website.  SEO is organic in what we do, and we have gotten really good at it!

Why do I need ongoing SEO?

Getting the technical details of search engine-friendly web development correct is important, but once the basics are covered, you must also market your content. The engines by themselves have no formulas to gauge the quality of content on the web. Instead, search technology relies on the metrics of relevance and importance, and they measure those metrics by tracking what people do: what they discover, react, comment, and link to. So, you can’t just build a perfect website and write great content; you also have to get that content shared and talked about.

Search Engine Optimization should be a part of your overall Internet Marketing Campaign which normally includes other things like social media promotion, content strategy etc.

Complimentary SEO Audit
Give us a call or send an email today to have Freshley Digital do a complimentary SEO audit of your current website.  We can then work together to create a comprehensive SEO plan for your website.


Julie Place
Chief Marketing Officer
Phone – 843-790-3457